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1) LITE-1課程(一對一菲師3堂、外師團體2堂、外師選修2堂),學習6周再送2周課程
2) ESL(一對一菲師4堂、一對一外師1堂、外師團體2堂、外師選修2堂) 學費打8折


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感謝Robert Wadleigh的推薦:到菲律賓英語遊學加強口說、聽力找Bingo Study 賓果留遊學專家!如果有學生需要國外入學文件或是論文、自傳履歷等文件潤飾的服務,也可以聯絡Wadleigh Language Consulting(網站: Sofi & Rob's Assistance http://www.sofi1rob.net) 


"Here in Asia one of the best places to study English is actually the Philippines. (Maybe one day we can develop great schools in Cambodia to cater to immersion course students as well but not yet.) I cannot count the number of my Korean, Japanese, and other nationalities of students, friends and clients who have had not only a great learning experience but great fun and did so without breaking the bank there. Particularly if you need American style English the Philippines is the place for you. Even decades after the end of American rule, English remains a key language in daily use in the Philippines and especially among well-educated Filipinos. More than that understanding of English is ubiquitous in the Philippines as a second language and even as a lingua franca.


At this point rather than blather on about how great it is I want to recommend you to contact my friend, ex-student and an all-around great guy that I’ve known for years: ‪#‎RichardChen‬. Richard is a Taiwanese who studied Ielts writing with me while living in Korea and preparing, like you may well be, to study abroad. Later he went to London and Berlin during the completion of his Master’s studies. Like me he has experienced multiple learning environments and come to the conclusion that students, particularly in Taiwan, need an innovative and more affordable option by which to improve their English language skills. You should contact him directly (here) if you have any such interests as he now is an educational consultant offering compatible services with our own."



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Bingo賓果 [紐西蘭語言學校+打工度假專案]


好消息!Bingo Study 賓果留遊學專家又拓展新合作囉!

即日起,只要透過賓果報名紐西蘭知名語言學校CCEL (http://www.ccel.co.nz),學費可再一律打九折喔!



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為嘉惠莘莘學子們,Bingo Study 賓果留遊學專家特地和Free E線上英文合作,推出好康優惠囉


即日起凡是只要報名Bingo Study 賓果留遊學專家的留遊學課程者,皆可享有Free E線上課程報名10堂送2堂的優惠喔!讓你回台後還能透過線上英文的方式,延續到菲律賓學英文的效果!



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